Saturday, December 6, 2008

Memoirs from Sierra Leone, Africa

I will be writing out in detail all that God showed me while I was in Sierra Leone last month. I will write out the experiences and emotions I felt. I will not bother with trying to put them in chronological order. The time all ran together while I was there because it was such a surreal experience. I will also include some of the letters the children wrote to me. If you would like to look at my favorite pictures from the trip you can click here and you can also view more pictures by clicking here. Once you get to the pictures you can click on any individual photo to view a larger image.

The pictures tell a story in themselves.

The team did a total of 6 medical clinics. I was a part of 3 of those medical clinics. Many lives were saved because we were able to send people to the hospital that otherwise would have died. We also prayed with every person who received medical care.

Many of the children do not know their birth dates because they were so young when they came to the orphanage. We had one big birthday party for the kids. We spent an entire day shopping for birthday presents for all 80 kids. We were able to meet many of their educational needs as well.

We rejoice that the Lord has brought so much healing to these children, but we also had an opportunity to see how wounded they still are. They need the teams to continue to come to be a source of comfort and encouragement to them as well as be family to them. This is the way the Lord always intended it to be...all of us being one big family!

I will trust as I write out my memories the Lord would use them in some way to draw you closer to His heart and to the heart of these precious, rescued ones.

Pray the Lord would provide the time and ability for me to write it all out.

I can tell you that my eyes have been opened to a whole new depth of His love, grace and mercy, not only towards the children and the people living in Sierra Leone, but towards me and the people living in my own country.

He has compassion on ALL He has made. His love is the only thing that will NEVER fail. His love is all we REALLY need. His love is better than life and is more than enough for every concern of our hearts.

1 comment:

sunny-d said...

Can't wait to read more!