Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth

I snuck into the library one afternoon to have a worship time while I was staying in the orphanage. While I was worshipping I text Jerome, he was worshipping the same God at the same time even though an ocean was between us. I love that His Spirit inside of us connects us beyond space and time which I'm in Africa. I love that man so much! I love our God so much! Here is our un-edited, non-spell checked text-worship to God ;)

Me: He is my Refuge! He is my Strength! He is faithful! As I pour out my heart these things I remember! Let faith arise!

Jerome: Show me Your hart! Show me Your ways! Show me Your glory! Show me Your hart! Show me Your ways! Show me Your glory! Show me Your hart! Show me Your ways! Show me Your glory! Fire fall down on us we pray!

Me: Yes Lord, we want your ways, your heart and your glory! Nothing else!!!

Jerome: We are satisfied inYou!!!!! Why would we need anything else but Your beauty and presence! It makes my hart want to burst like a dam in a hurricane!!!!!!

Me: Nothing compares to Him! Nothing is more important than drawing near to Him! Whatever it takes to draw us near we welcome!!! There is never a reason to rush in and out of His Presence! May we sit and soak in all He has for us!

Jerome: We want You more than our lives! We want You! For You we would be shamed in the Worlds eyes. May they label us fools as we seek You daily! May they call us insane as we give every thought to You!! May that see that we are obsessed!!!!

Me: He is all that matters! May our whole lives be a living sacrifices! May we daily take up our cross and follow Him! Losing our lives so that we gain Christ!!! We ask for forgiveness, grace and mercy and you freely give it...you lavishly love us, your children. You are the Beautiful One!!!

Jerome: Please give us more of You! We are desperate for more of You!!!!!!! You are good beyond measure!!! AND MY HART LONGS TO GIVE YOU PLEASURE!!!!! LET US BRING YOU GLORY!!

Me: Yes Lord, let us be a delight to you! Let us know we are pleasing to you! Let our passion bring you fame!!! Let our love for you draw the lost to your beautiful Name!!!!

Jerome: How I long to praise you!!!! To tell of Your beauty!!! And how amazing it is that You delight in our praise!! We are so messed up!!! BUT YOU MAKE EVERYTHING WE DO PERFECT!!! HOW AMAZING!!! Please give us more !!!

Me: Oh what comfort this brings!!! He is working everything together for our good as we seek to do His will! He make beautiful things out of dust! His grace is sufficient for our broken lives!

If you are married, make Christ the center of your marriage. If you are single, choose a man who is consumed with Christ! I could not imagine being married to someone who dud not share my great love for my great God!!!!

1 comment:

magsterxiong said...

Your blogs are always an encouragement to me. :)