Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Written by my precious husband...love that man!

They say 13 is an unlucky number but Today is it the number that is causing me to yell praise to His name. You see 13 years ago in a little bicycle factory converted into a church a ceremony was performed that has enriched my life beyond measure. On that day I heard “I do” come out of the mouth of the greatest gift that my Father ever gave me! Unselfish , Redeemed, Pure, Beautiful, Sweet and in love with Him.. That is what I saw in your eyes as you said, “I do”. If I had known on that day what the next 13 years held in store for me I would have danced and shouted for joy, screaming for joy as Craig asked me to commit everything I had to you.

I know you are insecure! I know how you struggle with thinking you are not a good wife. And I know my sin in not encouraging you more. But I am telling you before our God that you are my Joy in Him. That if I lost you today I would need the faith of Job to survive. I am telling you before our God that if I had the opportunity to press a button and have the same kids and life with any other woman I WOULD NOT PRESS THAT BUTTON!

No other woman would I be able to sit with and just talk about the scriptures for hours, knowing that you are sharing my joy. In worship I see you next to me and I know you are right there with me in desperation, awestruck of Him. When He calls me to suffer for His name I know you are not a wife that will say “give me safety and security”. He provides all that I need and you are in Him and I need you! Yes in His Unending Love He provides a side of Himself through you. Together we stand as ONE with Him. The darkness trembles when we are unified in Him! May it always be so!

I beg You Lord and Father please let us be together 13 times 13 thousand years into eternity! May we be found in You together as one! Complete at Your feet worshiping you! May you give us strength to fight Lord! We will not rest until the Lost are Found, until the blind can see, until the lame walk and until the dead shall live! Lord I know you are near to us! Please help us let our light shine for You. Together we live to KNOW YOU!! Without you we would have already have been divorced, empty and pointless BUT WITH YOU I REJOICE THAT YOU HAVE DONE THE IMOSSIBLE FOR THIRTEEN YEARS IN OUR LIVES! HA! Two hopeless people who could not even hold down a relationship for longer than a month now have walked through the fire and somehow You have kept us!! You are able! You are mighty! Let everyone praise Your name! Those that know us know that You have done the impossible! May our relationship bring you glory for all time! Please continue to bring Glory to Your name through us Lord! I do not know what You will is Lord but may I wake up every day of this fight and see my beautiful and passionate companion. I want to battle with no other! Keep us Lord! We are weak without You! One day without You is enough for us to be crushed! But one day with You and we can change the world and that is what WE WANT!! To Honor You!

Thank You for giving me 13 YEARS with one so strong in You!!!

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