Thursday, May 7, 2009

Serving God's Purpose In Our Own Generation

I am reading through the book of Acts right now. Last night I was reading chapter 13. Several things stuck out to me.

Paul was in the synagogue at Antioch and the leaders told him to stand up if he had a word of encouragement for the people. Paul then stands and tells the people how God led the children of Israel out of Egypt. The Israelites were tired of having Judges and asked for a king and he gave them Saul. After removing Saul he made David their king.

This is what God said about David in verse 32. I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.

Paul then goes on to tell them about John preparing the way for Jesus by preaching repentance and baptism. He then tells the story of Jesus death and resurrection so that Salvation could be offered to ALL.

Something else stuck out to me concerning David in verse 36. It says For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation he fell asleep.

Paul then goes on to tell the people about the grace of Salvation...about being justified by faith apart from the law. The people wanted to hear more and invited him and Barnabas to come back the next sabbath to explain further. When so many responded the following sabbath the jews became angry. Paul and Barnabas told the people that God had called them to be a light to the Gentiles to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Many of the gentiles responded by believing.

Even though the word of the Lord spread throughout that region, the jews stirred up 'GOD-FEARING' women and men against them to expel them from that city. The super cool thing is that they just shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went on to the next city. Then the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. The joy of the Lord was their strength!

My point in all of this is that in this one tiny part of God's story in history, several different people were called to a certain purpose. David was called to be a king, John was called to preach repentance and baptism, Paul was called to be preach salvation, the gentiles were called to spread the word of God. Because of what we know about these men's lives from reading other parts of the scriptures, we know they all faced great opposition at certain times, yet they were still faithful to their call by the grace of God. And then things were said of them like what was said about David, For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation he fell asleep. How cool! David screwed up a bunch, yet he loved God so much and had the joy of knowing at the end of his life that he had served God's purpose in his own generation.

I want this to be said at the end of my life too, and the lives of every Christ follower throughout the earth.

There are some things as Christians, we are ALL called to do. We are called to spread the gospel, give to those in need, encourage one another, help the oppressed, take care of orphans and widows, share the love of Christ with a hurting world in various ways and at ALL times!

I pray that, like David, we are all men and women after God's own heart to the point that we are doing everything the Lord wants us to do. I pray at the end of our lives that God will say of us that we served His purposes in our own generation.


sunny-d said...

i love your words "we are ALL called to do." I confess it confuses me when i hear on certain occasions "i will pray about it" when it seems so clear that it is really a command. end of story...we have our answer. im still wet behind the ears, but it is encouraging that others are hearing from Him in this way. i do believe we can all love beyond what we can ever imagine thru Him. keep up the good writing and thought-provoking prose. luvluv

shanna said...

Delissa, this is so true:

i do believe we can all love beyond what we can ever imagine thru Him

I love serving Him along side of you!

My name is Melissa, but you can call me Missy said...

Wow. All I can say is wow. We are all called to do. It's amazing that all of those things start to happen anyway, when we feel like we are confident in our own skin as a child of God, with a full love tank.

You build relationships and in turn have more love to share and the cycle goes on and on.