Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Desire of Our Hearts

I am seeing the Lord be so much more than I imagined. I know that we have many plans in our hearts but it is the Lord's plans that prevail. I am learning to trust Him more through every trial. With a deeper understanding of who He is comes a deeper reverance. He alone is the Lord and can do whatever He pleases, however He pleases.

As I try to seek Him with my whole heart I find Him...over and over again I find Him.

He Alone is the famous One! He Alone is wise! I want to lift High His name Him with my whole life. I want to see His glory! I want to fight so hard with His strength for those who can not fight for themselves. I want to rejoice if I am counted worthy to suffer for doing the good He has called me to. I do not want to shrink back in fear. I do not want to relent out of discouragement. Instead, I want to press on...I want to persevere. I want to stand firm letting NOTHING move me. I want to ALWAYS give myself FULLY to the work of the Lord, knowing that my labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58) I am finding this to be VERY difficult at times. I am tempted to take the easy way out. But the more I seek Him, the more He strengthens me for the battle. The more I cry out to Him in the pain of disappointment, the more He pours out His JOY!

The more I worship Him for who He is and not what He does for me, the more He proves His Love to me! His love never fails! His love is stronger than death! I know and can rely on the Love of the One who gave His life for me!

I spent the morning looking up verses concerning the fatherless. What I discovered penetrated my heart. I saw a little more clearly the love, justice, faithfulness and fierce devotion to those who are weak and oppressed. It made my heart so happy that this is the kind of God I serve. A God who is mighty to save and does! A God who calls man to defend the ones who can not defend themselves. A God who rescues and heals the broken! This caused everything within me to want to rise up like a mighty warrior princess in the name of my God and fight! And so I did, I went to my closet and got on my knees and cried out for those who are oppressed! I waged war against the spiritual forces through prayer. I know He heard. I know He even prayed through me. I know He allowed me to feel only a portion of His fierce devotion to those I was praying for.

I am so humbled that He loves you and me this same way.

The more of Him He allows me to discover, the more delight it brings my heart to know that He calls me His own. That we are not overlooked. We are not an afterthought. He intentionally put everyone of us on this planet in hopes that we might come to Him and live in Him for all of eternity...from the orphan to richest of men...for His glory and joy!

It is my personal plea and prayer to anyone who might read this. Please make spending time with Him a priority. I can not tell you how much He longs for this! He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Please make time to KNOW Him more!!!!

May He alone become the desire of our hearts!!!!

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