Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Story - Part 12

I HATED doing drugs at this point. I would BEG God to take them away from me...to remove the craving to do them....whatever He had to do. I desired more than I can describe to live a holy life...it seemed so far out of reach.

This is when things began to calm down for me. I started dancing at a strip club in Ft. Worth but now I hated it. I had such an aversion to dancing. I started seeing it for what it was. When I would go to work I would sit in the dressing room and read my bible. Sometimes I would still do cocaine or meth but I still would sit and read my bible while I was high. I had no desire to do table dances which meant I made barely any money. This didn't go over well with my mom since I was suppose to be helping with the bills. When I did go out of the dressing room into the club I would sit and talk to the customers about God instead of dancing for them.

I had zero confidence that I could do anything else besides strip. I was a high school drop out and had only a few other jobs. I had been dancing since I was 18. What would I put on a resume? I also didn't have a car.

A few things happened. One was that a cab driver that took me home one night and had christian music playing so I asked him if he was a christian. He began talking to me about God. This was extremely encouraging for me. I knew God had sent him to my dark world. He was older and very kind and fatherly...unlike the guys in the clubs.

The next thing that happened is what helped me to finally leave dancing. I had been praying for so long to God to help me have the strength to quit. I knew getting off drugs would be so much easier if they weren't so accessible too. I was on the balcony of mine and my mom's apartment one night crying out to God. I told him that I felt like things were finally coming together. I was going longer periods of time without drugs and going on binges for days less and less. I told Him I felt like my life was like a puzzle that had been dumped out. I felt like He had been putting the pieces together for me. I told Him I felt like there was a piece missing though...so even when the puzzle was put together that piece wouldn't be there.

OK...so the very next night I am at the strip club. As I am dancing on the 5 stages that I would do in a set. I felt naked. I felt embarrassed. This was strange since I had been doing this for so long. I suddenly had the ability to know that these men were lusting after me. I never got this part of it before. I was so focused on the attention I was getting I never took the time to look any deeper. God was supernaturally showing me that I thought I was in control because of my body and the men thought they were in control because of their money...but He showed me that Satan was REALLY the one in control of all of it. I got off my last stage. In this dark, smoky club I see something shimmering underneath one of the tables. I crawl under the table and pick it up and it is a silver cross. It looked like one of those crosses that you put in your pocket with your change. It had no writing on it...just a simple cross. I had a shocked look on my face and a guy walked up to me and asked why I looked like that. I asked him what a cross was doing in a club like this. He took it from me...looked it over...handed it back and said, "It looks like a puzzle piece." I wanted to build an alter right there!

God knew that I needed tangible things to hold onto. That cross was and still is a stone of remembrance for me. I still have it.

I ran back to the dressing room. I couldn't wait to get home to ask Him what all this meant. I was so excited to be with Him and pondered it all over in my mind. When I prayed thru it and read my bible the core of what He showed me was that He did not only come so that I would have salvation. (I was completely saved at this time). He also came to rescue me from my lifestyle of bondage. He died on the cross not only to have the relationship with me that we were already building...but so that I could have an abundant life in Him. There was no abundant life in the strip clubs. This is what it took for me to finally trust Him! This was my missing puzzle piece. It all just clicked!

I pray you see that God was not nearly concerned so much with my life becoming spotless right away as He was with me understanding His character...with me being broken...with me dveloping a deep and intimate relationship with Him thru my brokeness. He was waiting for the right time. He wanted to Rescue me. More importantly He wanted me to KNOW....really KNOW who He was! This season was the most bitter-sweet...the most romantic...the most intimate extended period of my walk. It was so emotionally driven that it is etched in my mind for all of eternity I am sure! I will never forget the pit I was in and how He came into those dark places to seek me out and deliver me! He has never let me go since!

In the next few posts I will talk about a guy I attached myself to, my mom's overdose, my first (Baptist) church experiences, me being baptized and finally me coming back to Oklahoma where a new chapter of my life began...


deleise said...

Well that was the goosebumpiest post yet. Wow. I'm going back to read it again.

Anonymous said...

Shanna - this part of your story is my VERY favorite part! I love hearing it again!

Sara said...

Shanna... the part about the cross... WOW... I've got goosepimples!!! Love reading this so much!!!

xo, Sara

Shellie said...

What an amazing Chapter this is.
It is so awesome how personal God is with each one of us.
My husband had a similar experience with a pewter key. So cool.

Tim and Christie said...

Yup, I think I agree the cross story is one of my favorite events in the life of Shanna!

Loved getting to hang out with you yesterday by the way...and that husband of yours is INSANE! Walmart will never be the same!

Anonymous said...

That's so AWESOME!
Great story, God is so GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

Shanna ... the cross "puzzle piece" is JUST WAY TOO COOL! What a personal clear way for God to lovingly get your attention. It IS His kindness that leads us to repentance and on to holiness! What a great testimony! So awed at God's incredible love and purposefulness in your life!! WOW!! Much love! Paula

Theresa said...

You are an amazing woman. I am so happy at what God has done in your life. You give me the chills. Can't wait for the rest.

Robin Meadows said...

Isn't God amazing!! And when we ask, He just shows us his faithfulness!! Wonder why we don't ask more often? Hmm....

Love it! Love it!

Seth, Annelise, Elijah, & Joshua said...

Shanna so neat. God is so cool. I had a similar experience shortly after I was saved. I was saved at CIY. I was told by my parents before I went to not get "saved". That they were sending me to CIY to see Colorado, not to change religions. Well, God His way and He captured my heart. After returning home and being constantly ridiculed for being saved (I was 14), I began to question if there was really a God, and was salvation real.??.. Also, when I returned home the sexual abuse started again sending me into a tailspin emotionally and spiritually not to mention 14 yr old emotions. So, one day when my mom was driving me home from golf practice she handed me a ring. The ring was a cross inside a heart. She said my aunt (who is not saved and at this point in my life had only spoken to me a handful of times) said she found it and thought I would like it. I wore that ring for about a year and one day it fell off at school and I couldn't find it. During the year I wore the ring, the Lord provided awesome youth pastors in my life, he brought JOnathan (hubby) and I together, and he wrote on my heart that he was real, that he would never leave me or forsake me...never! When I lost the ring I was sad, but at the same time I knew that God's purpose for it in my life was finished and it wasn't lost, but rather the Lord would use it in someone else's life. Just had to share, I hadn't thought of that in years until I read your post today.

Unknown said...

I have "holy bumps" from head to toe! This beautiful, amazing and worth it. Praise Him for this. Wow, what a post to etch in stone! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing!!!

Jenny-K said...

I love those 'Aha!' moments He gives us!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came across your blog through Natalie's.
Thank you for sharing your story. I can't describe what I feel reading your story.

By the way...your boys are handsome cuties.

Natalie Witcher said...

oh, He's goooood

Chick4Christ said...

this is amazing! i love you! Cant wait to see you tonight!

Mimi said...

Shanna, once again I am blessed by His story in your life. You are so right about not having to get ourselves cleaned up first....!! Rom 5:7 makes it very clear that it was while we were dead in our sins that God loved us and sent Christ to die for us. What a beautiful story of our beautiful Savior and His power to change us.