Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Story - Part 10 THE BEST PART!

I get to Ft. Worth. My mammaw's husband Don is staying at their lake house because they are separated. I got settled in and started dancing at a topless club in Ft. Worth during the day. My mammaw takes me to work on her lunch breaks and comes to get me after she gets off work. I did OK for a bit.

A few weeks and I had met a guy that worked at the tanning salon I went to. His name was Billy. We ended up together right away. At this point I had only had a few actual boyfriends...remember...guys just wanted to sleep with me. Well, I had put an end to this with the help of cocaine.

Billy smoked pot and drank. He wanted nothing to do with hard drugs though. This was fine with me. He filled my void for a short time so that I didn't feel like I needed to use cocaine.

I ended up moving in with him. Soon I was introduced to meth by one of the girls at the club. I found out it was cheaper and lasted longer. I was able to hide it from Billy for awhile. When I started not being able to sleep at night and having erratic behavior he started getting suspicious. Eventually one of his friends told him. He broke up with me. This sent me into an emotional tailspin. The only way I could cope was by using more.

I was introduced to a lady named Vicky thru Billy. Vicky was his brother's girlfriend's mom. I started doing cocaine with her but she would read the bible and talk to me about God while we did cocaine together. I would have really weird things happen to me. I would hear things in music like demons talking to me...trying to discourage me. I would see weird things on TV. Of course I was going days without food or sleep and only drugs in my body so you can imagine how given over my mind was.

I ended up getting an apartment on my own and getting a car. My using was getting out of control again. I was going to Dallas to dance some. I would end up staying up for days and not even being able to work because I was so strung out. I was down to 95 ponds and looked terrible. (This is about 25 pounds less than what I weigh now.)

I finally stared to read my bible. When I was on drugs I would read all kinds of things that weren't really in there. Things like...GO TO SLEEP. LOL! Really. It is amazing the things that go on when your mind is given over to so many drugs, the things you will see and experience. I know that there was also a great deal of spiritual warfare going on too.

When these things would happen I would make myself go a few days without using so I could read the bible sober. I had a knowing on the inside that the only real truth was found in the bible. Everyone and everything else had let me down. I knew the answers were in there and I was going to find them.

I finally went to a lady at my mammaw's work who was a known christian. I told her about all the crazy things I was experiencing. I asked her if she knew something I could do to get the demonic stuff to stop. I think I freaked her out :) She asked her pastor and told me a few days later to start filling my mind with spiritual things. She gave me a list of the local christian radio stations. (God was tricking me:))

I started listening to christian music and reading a King James bible. Oh how I wish God would have had someone at least give me a NIV :) The crazy spiritual stuff started happening even more...but I was making it days without drugs. I even tried to quit dancing and work at my mammaw's job as a receptionist. That only lasted a few weeks. It was a few weeks that I got to talk to the lady that was a christian though :)

One night I had been on a few day binge. I was at my apartment and it was full of people that I didn't know. Somehow over the course of partying people kept getting invited over to my apartment. Everyone was doing drugs. Something just came over me. I realized that I didn't have people in my life that cared about me...and I didn't REALLY care about people either. I knew I needed love in my life. It was the thing I was always missing. No matter how much I tried to manage my own matter how many drugs I matter how much attention I got from matter how much money I didn't infuse love into my life.

I left my my apartment with everyone there. My mammaw was out of town. I drove to her house. I needed to be alone. I went inside and got in her bed. I needed to feel clean. I put on a christian tv station. There was a very lively televangelist talking about how he used to be in a rock band and use to do cocaine. I have no memory of his message. The next thing I remember was him giving an offer for salvation and me praying...and not just praying...really surrendering and meaning it more than I had ever meant anything in my life!

For the next several days I prayed that same prayer over and over...I wanted to make sure it stuck! I had no funny feelings. I had no emotional experience. I know some of you who know how emotional I am are shocked :)

I want to add a disclaimer....I completely disagree with the teachings of the televangelist that I watched that night. He is on TBN today still. BUT...God is not limited. He will use a donkey if He has to. He used that guy as a guide to show me how to pray. I needed a tangible thing to hold onto. This plays an important role later on when I talk about the beginnings of my christian journey.

From 21 to 22 I continued to dance and use drugs. God eventually delivered me from this lifestyle and I never turned back. I will talk in the next few posts about that year and bring you up to speed with my mom's situation during this time.

I will say this. I know that very moment I was saved...sealed with the holy spirit unto the day of redemption. You certainly wouldn't have looked at the externals of my life for the next year and been able to have identified me as a christian. You probably would have thought I was a lunatic that needed to be locked up :) Although things were changing slowly on the outside of my life...they were changing rapidly on the inside of me.

OH HOW I LOVE HIM! May my life always be a living sacrifice. May I never forget the pit He rescued me from. May I spend all of my days thanking Him and serving Him. May I spend my entire life on sharing His love with a lost and hurting world!


Jenny-K said...

So inspiring Shanna!

Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes. He is so amazing...amazing grace! I have been so looking forward to this part of your story. Yea! Love you.


Oh How I LOVE HIM along with you too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!!! That is victory :)

deleise said...

I know this has been hard for you, but what hope you have brought to so many people. Not all of us have experienced these extremes, but we have all felt hopeless and unworthy. Thank you for telling your story and reminding us that His grace is enough.

BraggFam said...

I love it!!! I read on my sweet sherri's blog that healing is a process, I thought it to be profound. He was healing you!!! I love you and am so thankful to you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Crazy how technology is used to change people it! (I know that's not technology now, but you know)
You're doing an amazing job!

Raven said...

your story is so amazing shanna.
i really enjoy reading it. :) it is amazing how God works.. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, friend. If God wants to use a televangelist to bring you to Him, He will. He could have used anything. We must not try to put Him in a box in which He cannot fit.

Chick4Christ said...

wow. . . if i did drugs, i would do cocaine too. lol.

Anyways, I LOVE YOU SHANNA!!! GOSH, i sure do miss living with you! I hope you guys get to feeling better!!
i LOVE getting to hear your story!

love you!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Shanna ... i missed you yesterday ... sounds like you guys may be sick. I just got caught up on your blog ... my goodness ... what an amazing journey ... we do have a faithful God. I truly praise the Lord for drawing you back to Himself. Can't wait to read more ... there are 12+ years to get us current! Thank you SOOOO much for sharing this obediently ... i can only imagine what this is like for you to recount. I am trusting the Lord to continue to strengthen you and use your story to bless and encourage others. I am encouraged to know you!! You are precious!! Love love love!! Paula

Theresa said...

I have chills. Thank you for continuing to share this story. You are an awesome woman.

Unknown said...

I echo completely what Paula wrote. I too am trusting that you are being strengthened by the Lord to re-visit the past He has pulled you from! Love to you!!!

Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing, compassionate, loving, forgiving and joyful person! I see so much of Christ in you. In today's world, we really need women like you to serve as role models for little girls and teenagers to look up to. Your story will give a hurting girl or woman REAL hope -- thank you for sharing it!

Amy said...

I just got caught up your posts today. That is so amazing! it blows me away how powerful God is! He can change ANY life and make it spectacular! I love it!

Robin Meadows said...

Yay! You're getting to the good parts! Awesome story, awesome girl! Love you!

Natalie Witcher said...

I love how he plucked you out of the pit!

Anonymous said...

Shanna... I love this so much... I'm subscribed to your blog feed and read it through my bloglines and am weeping right now. You are such an amazing gift to God... I just love you so much!!


Nicole Knox said...

Thank you for writing our story, God is so good!

Christi said...

I love happy endings :)

Mimi said...

Thank you for sharing your intimate, painful, and sorrowful life with all of us. How gracious God is to give you such healing that you are willing to let us into your pain. I loved the detail, because it helps me to see the downward progression of sin and a life without Jesus. I am grateful that He has brought our lives together.
Love, Carolyn

HomeSchool Mommy said...


I'm on the EFL loop and have been reading your blog for awhile (you're on my friends list). I have really been blessed reading your testimony! Thank you for sharing it!

Also, I just saw the e-mail on the loop about the Africa mission. I am SO excited for you! You are going to be so blessed while blessing so many others! I have another bloggie friend, Shannon, who you should check out, if you haven't., I think. She's on my friends list, if you can't use that address. She just got back from Africa on a blogging mission.

ALSO, we are in the home study process to adopt through DHS (we live in Norman.) I would love to hear about your journey thus far!

Anyway...have a great week!

P.S. I took your computer fast advice and (although I haven't been blogging just because I'm having writer's block) really feel renewed about it!

Aims said...

I'm just getting caught up today.

I can totally relate to this. Altho I was "saved" when I was younger, I didn't always walk with Him. When I finally found Life Church and decided I was going to start going back to church... I still had a totally seperate life and friends away from church. Drugs never were my problem. Drinking and boys were. I believed the lie there's only 1 way to get boys to pay attention to you and excessive drinking made it easier not care what or why I was doing it. For over 3 years I went to church on Sunday and life group during the week. And by the weekend I was ready to start it all over. I wasn't arround people that were involve in my life to hold me accountable to anything but partying. I'd even go to church some Sundays borderline still drunk from the night before. About 3 months into coming to Oasis I started to slowly surround myself with those that were truly going to speak truth in my life and hold me accountable to the right things. By the beginning of 06 I reached a point where I couldn't deal with the way I was allow myself to be treated anymore. And I had to cut some relationships and others in limited and controlled environments. If it weren't for you and our great community, I can honestly say there's no way I would be where I am today!! I love you Shanna!!!

PS... sorry my comment turned into a mini blog! LOL

Aims said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aims said...

This one will be short. ; )
A blog for you and your readers. One I think has great relevence to this post. One that has stuck with me: