Saturday, June 21, 2008

Memories from Sierra Leone, Africa

I have been home from my mission trip to Sierra Leone, Africa for a week and I just now feel like I can even attempt to write down some of my experiences and describe the things that God has shown me. When I returned I was sick and depressed. I did not want to leave. I wanted my family to move to Africa. I am now settling back into life here in America with new passions, a different mind set and a deeper understanding of God's love and grace towards me and all He has made throughout the entire earth.

I still feel like words are a feeble attempt to express what He has done in me and the things He has opened my heart to. I will attempt over the next several posts to give you a glimpse into what I consider to be one of the greatest gifts He has given me.

To give you some background:

Before I left I thought the Lord called me to Sierra Leone so that I could share His love with orphans. I now see that He called me to go so that He could share His love with ME through orphans. I felt completely unworthy to be in their presence the entire time I was there. There was never a moment where I didn't feel like I was the one being ministered to.

It is by far the most beautiful picture of the body of Christ I have ever experienced.

The children, who are mostly teenagers at this point, glorified Him in all they did. In their playing, laughing, serving, all of it His love flowed through them.

At one point my friend Jeannie and I were looking out the window at some of the children playing a game and we marveled at how they had Jesus and a ball and were completely content and joyful. They constantly shared everything and we never saw one argument between any of them.

We did some other things outside of the orphanage. Starting in the next post I will try to share what we did each day and give you a glimpse into my journey...


deleise said...

I know you have been struggling and I am glad to see you are writing about everything. You put your whole heart into those kids, like you do with everything! You are so gifted that way. That hurts for you, but is a blessing to everyone else. I'm so looking forward to reading more.

Theresa said...

I can't wait to hear about it. I am really looking forward to your impressions of God there. I hope that sharing it will help. God Bless You.

Mimi said...

I am not surprised by your impressions. It is what I hear from everyone who goes there to "be a minister" and comes home having been the one who received the ministering. It is great how God does that!! I am so glad for your experience and can't wait to read more.

Robin Meadows said...

I'm so glad you're back--changed, renewed, and writing again! Amy has shared a bit with me...I'm ready for more!

My name is Melissa, but you can call me Missy said...

I just can't wait to read more. I love to read how you write. I feel like you explain things and can just paint the perfect picture in my mind. :)
God Bless~!


Ahhh...God is sooo good!!!! He is truly the air we breathe...our everything...I am sooo glad you went! can't wait to hear more! Was there anything new He revealed to you about himself in this trip and experience?

Kelsey said...

Shanna, I have been praying for you and the whole "re-entry" thing.
Can't wait to hear from your heart about this trip. Love you!

Anonymous said...

yeah - glad you are back and feeling better - can't wait to read more and thanks for sharing your heart with us!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that last comment was from me
i dont know what happen?

Unknown said...

When I returned from Africa, I had a hard time wanting to stay in America. I love what it did to me personally to be there. I wonder though how soon ourselves would once again get in the way and cause the same problems played out differently there.
Praying for you (and getting ready to go read about the trip!)
R <><