Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Letters from Sierra Leone, Africa

I have decided that the best way to explain why I keep returning to the orphans in Sierra Leone, Africa is to give you a peek into their hearts. May you understand my love for them by reading their recent letters to me.

When the Lord closed my womb, I had no idea He still intended to give me the many children I desired. He has done this in a delightfully, unexpected way. His ways are higher than mine. His ways are perfect.

He has given me many children who long to have parents. He has connected our hearts beyond space and time. He has kept us close through prayer, letters and visits. He has knit our hearts together by the power of His Love. This Love is strong enough to heal a human heart and an entire nation.

The kids will tell you I give them something they long for, the love of a mom. I will tell you that they give more to me than I can ever give to them. In losing my life for His sake, I have found it.

May you see, like I have, why God has called us to love the orphans, widows, poor and needy. It is as much for our benefit as it is the people He is calling us to love. May you see why I keep returning to this tiny, poor and undeveloped nation. The children of the Wellington Orphanage have captured my heart and I will never be the same. As you read their letters in the following posts I pray you would be as captured by the beauty of these precious ones as I am.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Thank you for sharing your heart, your life, and "your kids" with us who know you and some of what God has done to prepare you for this family.