Friday, December 14, 2007

I love living in grace....

I just bought my first Christmas presents tonight.

Starting Sunday we have 4 Christmas parties at our house, 4 days in a row. I haven't bought any of the snacks or cleaned my house, why bother, it will be messy tomorrow. I love that I have boys to mess it up :)

God has brought me so far. I used to obsess and stress everybody out around me making lists and trying to get everything just perfect. Each year I see that He has brought more and more freedom in this area.

Lists and perfection just aren't made for my personality, but for years I thought they were. I thought that was where my security was. If I wrote it down, stressed over it for days and actually accomplished what I wrote then I felt successful...if not, I felt like a failure.

Now I wait until the last minute...stress a little, instead of a what I can and trust God with the rest.

I know those of you that are detailed and organized think I am crazy :)

I know the parties will be fun. We will laugh and have beautiful fellowship. Who cares if my base boards aren't scrubbed!

How is your holiday stress level?


Christie Man said...

I had so much fun at the REBELution party last night. Everything was perfect because we had each other and you were full of peace and joy. I always wait until the last minute...I like to add some spice and acceptable adrenaline to my life! I am also late everywhere because I like to return that same gift to others! LOL :)

shanna said...