Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are you scared of a girl?

I snuggled with my sweet boys in my warm and cozy bed yesterday morning. We were reading through The Story Book Bible. We were reading about Elijah.

Later yesterday afternoon I stole a few minutes to sneak back in my warm and cozy bed to pray for a few people who have been on my heart. My thoughts kept drifting to Elijah...

I was thinking how odd it was that he had just stood boldly in the presence of King Ahab and declared the Lord God was the one true God and denied the power of Baal. He was then used to prove God's power by calling fire from heaven to consume a sacrifice drenched in water at Mount Carmel. Then he prayed for rain after a severe drought and the Lord sent rain. Right after when Ahab's wife, Jezebel, a Baal worshipper, heard about these things She was furious. She sent a messenger to tell Elijah that she would kill him by the next day...and he took off running and hid.

Did he forget all the Lord had done in and through Him? Did he forget the way the Lord had provided for Him and protected Him? Did he forget how God had faithfully led him through trial after trial? Did he forget how the Lord had delivered him in times of trouble?

I can relate with Elijah. I also tend to be forgetful of all the Lord has done when faced with a new trial, struggle or temptation in my life.

I find comfort in knowing that this amazing man of God was motivated by fear at times just like me. I am thankful that God understands I too am dust.

Maybe Elijah needed to be reminded that apart from God's power he was scared and weak. Maybe I also need this reminder.

It wasn't Elijah's greatness that caused God to choose him to be a prophet. It was God who made Elijah great in spite of his weaknesses!

How I need to remain desperate before Him. How I need to choose to trust Him in each and every trial, struggle and temptation that WILL come into my life this side of heaven. I must choose to trust in His perfect love every minute of every day. It is His perfect love that will cast out the fear that many times motivates my disobedience.


HOPE! said...

So, I know you were talking about Narnia in your posts after this but I found two quotes from the Prince Caspian books that pertained to this post.

"You have listened to fears, Child," said Aslan. "Come, let me breathe on you. Forget them. Are you brave again?"

"Welcome, Prince," said Aslan. "Do you feel yourself sufficient to take up the Kingship of Narnia?"
"I — I don't think I do, Sir," said Caspian. "I'm only a kid."
"Good," said Aslan. "If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been a proof that you were not."

I LOVE THE LAST ONE! If we feel ourselves sufficient, we are not! His grace is! I MISS AND LOVE YOU MOM!

shanna said...

I LOVE these quotes. I love this whole series. And how freeing it is that He is our sufficiency! Oh how I love Him! I miss you sooooo much sweet daughter! LOVE YOU Hopi!!!!