Friday, November 13, 2009

I need Africa more than Africa needs me!

Thank you so much if you have given towards my upcoming trip to Sierra Leone! If you haven't would you please prayerfully consider making a donation, no matter how small.

I have been thinking of and praying for those sweet children in the Wellington Orphanage almost constantly! My heart longs to be with them. I know this is the Lord. He is so beautiful to me.

I want to share something with you... My husband came home from work yesterday crying. He walked through the door listening to worship on his iphone with tears streaming down his face. He walked back to our room and continued worshipping. A little later he shared with me what sparked his emotion. He started listening to a new Steven Curtis Chapman CD at work yesterday. The entire album was birthed out of the pain of Steven losing their 5 year old daughter, Maria. The Chapmans have 3 birth children and had 3 adopted girls from China before they lost Maria. Their 5 year old little girl was run over by an SUV on accident. This family has a deep love for God and a passion to help orphans in various ways.

Later that day my husband started listening to the new Matt Redman CD on his way home from work. The lyrics are very worshipful and helped draw him into the majesty of God. As we sat on the couch discussing these things he started crying again. The tears were not sad tears. He spoke to me of the beauty of God. How wonderful the Lord is that He took this sweet 5 year old little girl that nobody wanted at one time and used her in such a powerful way. She is the face of heaven to Steven Curtis Chapman, just as each of us is the face of heaven to God. This is the beauty of the Lord. He delights in using the weak. He delights in rescuing the lost and hurting. He finds great joy in bringing beauty from the ashes of our lives.

I recently heard someone say whom I love and respect, that as she tucks her children into bed at night that she is NOT OK with there being 132 million orphans in the world. Neither am I.

I can't do much. But by the grace of God I want to do everything I can. I can let God use me in the lives of 80 orphans on the coast of west Africa. I have many hopes and desires for these children. There are many things I can do from America to advocate on their behalf. But, it is my greatest joy to actually go and be with them. I love to spiritually encourage them and given them the love of a parent several weeks a year. Each time I leave them they beg me to return. What I think they will never understand, no matter how many times I tell them, is that I need them more than they need me!

I want to share a quote from Steven Curtis Chapman because this too is our heart: "After our first trip to China, my wife and I knew our lives were changing -- our eyes and hearts were opening to how big God really is, and we have wanted to experience more of that,"

"We've really wondered whether or not we should just go to China and stay there. But I don't think so. I believe God is saying, 'I want you to go, get your heart broken, your eyes opened, and then take this story back to the church in America and around the world."' .

I too desire this. I can not do this without your help. I humbly ask you to consider giving towards my trip. I will be traveling to Sierra Leone December 28th through January 9th. My promise to those who give is to do everything I can while I am there to strengthen and encourage these precious ones. I promise to work hard helping them with their education. I promise to love them deeply!

I still need $900 to be able to purchase my plane ticket. I am behind on my first deadline. If you would like to give all donations are tax deductible. You can make your checks payable to 4HIM ministries or OASIS ministries to receive tax credit. You can mail them to me at 1700 Godhania Rd. Edmond, OK 73003.

Thank you so much for loving, encouraging and supporting me. I love the body of Christ. I love you all!

In His Love,

Shanna Crawford (the Sierra Leone blog) (my personal blog) (4HIM's website)

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