One of my younger cousins is in prison. He has recently sstarted a job in a work program. His boss has let him call me every day for the last week.
This young man is so precious to me. He lived with us as a teenager. He accepted Christ into his life during that time but has had a lot working against him.
The really cool thing is that his dad (my uncle) who is also in prison, has recently become VERY on fire for the Lord. So much so that he is leading a bible study with a few guys. They are studying the book of Revelation verse by verse. Me, Jerome and the boys visit him about twice a month. We have rich conversations about God, scripture, theology, the church, social justice and more. He even listens daily to an ipod filled with mostly worship music that we gave him a few months ago. He complains about the secular songs on it and says he skips over them. He wants a job in the ministry when he gets out. He would like to intern with Teen Challenge, a ministry to those enslaved to drug and alcohol addiction.
My uncle is also very special to me. He is serving his second prison sentence. He has been in for 10 years this time. His dad (my grandpa) was in prison 3 times. The last time for over 20 years. You see the pattern.
I have prayed fervently many, many times for these men over the years. I have longed for them to know God's love and live in the freedom of Christ. I can't tell you the burden I have carried for each of them at different times.
Not having a relationship with my dad set me up for many failures in life. Seeing the impact of the intimate relationship Jerome and the boys have with each other has made me long for these men also to have this with one another. A father needs to have intimacy with his children as much as the children need this with their fathers.
My cousin, Josh, called Wednesday and was expressing a desire to get a hold of the mother of his young son. We brainstormed on some ideas and didn't come up with much. I finally said, "Josh, let's both pray about it. Let's ask the Lord to put an idea in our minds and lead us to the right solution." He quickly said, "OK." It was a bit awkward even saying it...but I knew he desperately desired to be connected to His son...I knew the Lord desired this too...and I didn't know what else to do.
He called me later that afternoon with great excitement. He said about 15 minutes after he got off the phone with me the first time that he remembered he used to do construction for a guy who is a cop. He remembered this guy's number. He called him and asked if he would find out the contact information for the mom of his son. The guy agreed.
Josh then said, "did you pray when we got off the phone?" And I actually had...the moment we got off the phone in fact.
I was shocked. First of all, what the guy agreed to do probably isn't even legal. Second of all...how did Josh remember the number and why would the guy even agree...he is a cop...Josh is calling him from prison. I knew it was God.
I told Josh this was such an encouragement to me. I admitted to him that most times when I pray, God either doesn't answer yes, or at the very least it takes time to receive an answer. I also told him that I knew God answered so quickly because He wanted to show Josh how much he loves him and desires for him and his son to be connected. And I know the Lord wanted to make me stand their with my mouth open in awe of Him! I love it when He shows off :)
Sometimes I am not so quick to turn to God for the answer to my problems or the problems of others. I set aside time for prayer each day. I even set aside time once a week on Saturday morning to pray with my sweet friend Crystal. Because we all know where two or more are gathered together....
I will even be burdened with a thought and I will tell myself I need to remember to pray later about whatever is weighing on my mind at the moment.
I think God knew I needed a reminder that He is God and I can cast all my cares (and the cares of others) on Him immediately. He will be faithful to answer in His way and in His timing. And sometimes His timing is FAST...but not always.
James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
Just another really cool thing. I told Josh we wanted to send him $20 for Christmas. He said he would rather us buy him an NIV study bible so he could understand the scriptures better. Another really cool thing....the bible I gave my uncle (his dad) 10 years ago when he first went into the county jail...he is now using not only to study on his own but to lead other men in the study of God's word.
God just doesn't get any more fantastic than this! He is so good!